Need to transfer money or pay your bills? You've got options right from the comfort of your own home! It's never been easier to transfer funds to and from your Members 1st accounts. Don't worry about visiting a branch—you can do it all from our mobile app and online banking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Learn more about the options available to our members below.
Transfer Money Options
External Accounts
Do you have financial accounts at multiple credit unions and banks? If you do, like many of us, you’re probably searching for an easy way to transfer money to and from all your accounts. External Transfer is a secure online money transfer service that allows you to directly move money between your Members 1st accounts and accounts you have at other financial institutions.
Pay Bills
Tired of signing into multiple websites and apps to pay your bills every month? Try Pay Bills—a convenient service that allows you to pay all your bills directly from online banking or the Members 1st mobile app. Simple to set up and use, this customizable service allows you to choose the options that work best for you.
Between Accounts
Transfer funds between your accounts or to another member's account, providing both parties' accounts are accessible via our app or online banking.
Domestic Wires
Send and receive domestic wire transfers, providing the following information to the sending financial institution:
- Name as titled on Members 1st account
- Checking, savings, loan or another account number to which the funds should be credited
- Our Routing/ABA Number: 231382241
- Our address: 5000 Marketplace Way, Enola, Pennsylvania 17025-2431
International Wires
For international transfers, Members 1st is part of the SWIFT network. Please note that Members 1st only receives U.S. currency.
Automatic Transfer/Payroll Deduction
Set up various allotments to go to your accounts, sub-accounts, your spouse or children's accounts, or to your Members 1st loan accounts. Print and complete a Payroll Automatic Transfer Distribution Form to get started. You may change your distributions at any time.
Open an account
You can open your account online in just a few minutes. Or if you like, stop by any of our branch locations and we can do it for you.