It's never been easier to pay your Members 1st Loan! Choose from two secure and convenient ways to make your payment below.
Manage Your Loan With Digital Banking
Use this free option to pay your loans through digital banking available on our website and the Members 1st app.
- Set up one time or recurring payments from a Members 1st account or external account.
- Get alerts and notifications about your loan.
- Quickly see all your account balances in one place.
Processing Fee
- No Fees
Pay With An External Account
Use this option to make a one time or recurring loan payment using multiple payments methods including outside financial institutions and digital payment services.
- Easily log in every month to make a same day payment.
- Schedule a one time or recurring payment.
- Processing fee applies to each payment.
- Pay with debit or one of these other digital payment options:

Processing Fee
- $4.95 Per Transaction