Our Blog

How Do I...?

There's a lot more to personal finance than most of us ever learned in school. Our blog is here to help you hone your skills on the finer points of saving money, borrowing wisely, and charting a course for your future.

How to Do a Biweekly Money Saving Challenge

Start a habit you can stick with by timing your savings deposits to coincide with your paychecks. Like working out or flossing, putting money into savings is a habit that demands discipline. The more…

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Budget-Friendly Family Game Night Ideas

Plan a cozy night in that includes food, fun and friendly competition with other families. …

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DIY Bathroom Organization Ideas

Take control of your clutter using simple storage solutions and a few affordable finds. …

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DIY Tips to Organize Your Bedroom on a Budget

Develop a plan, declutter your belongings and delight in your low-cost, new-look bedroom!…

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What is a Home Appraisal and How Does it Work?

Check out these tips for homebuyers or home sellers who want to know more about home appraisals. …

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How to Create a Zero-Based Budget

Every penny has a purpose in this careful approach to balancing income and expenses.…

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10 Fun and Inexpensive Hobbies to Try This Winter

Fill your free time with free or nearly free activities, like hiking and honing your photography skills.…

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How to Use a Vacation Club Account to Save Money

Avoid debt and automate your deposits with an account dedicated solely to saving for your big trip.…

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Home Warranty Vs. Homeowners Insurance

They can help you save on home repairs and protect your investment. But do you need both?…

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