Our Blog

How Do I...?

There's a lot more to personal finance than most of us ever learned in school. Our blog is here to help you hone your skills on the finer points of saving money, borrowing wisely, and charting a course for your future.

8 Questions to Ask Before Opening a Checking Account

In today’s high-tech world, a checking account remains a vital tool to help you manage your money. However, dedicating time to research checking accounts ahead of time is key to choosing the right account for you and your lifestyle.…

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Spring Bucket List for Families

As the weather starts to warm up and the daffodils bloom, it's time to shake off that winter frost and head outdoors.…

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How to Save for Vacation

Where is your vacation destination? Hopefully, it is somewhere amazing! Are you financially prepared? If not, we can help.…

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Start a Vegetable Garden on a Budget

From green peppers and potatoes to everything in between, a garden can not only save you money, but it is also relatively inexpensive to start.…

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Spring Home Maintenance Checklist

Spring is an excellent time to tackle home projects you put off during the winter months. Not sure where to start when it comes to spring home maintenance? Follow our spring home maintenance checklist to prioritize and finish your projects so you can enjoy the season.…

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9 Habits of Financially Savvy Women

We all have that one financially independent friend. She has plans for her money, manages a fierce budget and grows her wealth. She has great financial habits and inspires you to improve yours.…

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Life Insurance Explained

We take risks every day just by driving our cars or walking down the street. You never know when the unthinkable can happen, so it is best to prepare now.…

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7 Questions to Ask Before Moving

A potential move is an exciting life event—new sights, smells, sounds and experiences in a new city. However, before you move, there are important questions to ask yourself.…

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Dog Parenting: Are you Financially Prepared?

Playing fetch at the park and having a consistent snuggle buddy are perks of dog ownership, but all animals come with a cost.…

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