Our Blog

How Do I...?

There's a lot more to personal finance than most of us ever learned in school. Our blog is here to help you hone your skills on the finer points of saving money, borrowing wisely, and charting a course for your future.

Tailgating on a Budget

You don’t have to spend a ton of money to have the best tailgate on the block. With a little bit of budgeting and a lot a bit of thriftiness, everyone will have a great time, and you’ll still cover all your bases.…

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How to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money

Over the past few years, the number of Americans experiencing food insecurity has increased, and while we've made great strides, food is still wasted by consumers daily.…

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Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

Taking steps this fall to prepare your home for winter could prevent you from paying extra money and keep your family safe in the cold-weather season.…

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Renovations to Increase Your Home’s Value

Selecting home improvement projects is all about long-term planning. Consider prioritizing upgrades that will add to your home's value in the future when it comes time for you to sell it.…

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How to Set Financial Goals

We've all saved for a large purchase at some point in our lives, whether you are a teen saving for a new skateboard or an adult saving for a first home.…

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Advantages of Buying vs Renting a Home

Right now, the housing market is hot, but is it the right time to buy or should you consider renting? …

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3-Month Holiday Savings Challenge

Often, it feels that the holidays pop up out of nowhere. One minute it’s the end of summer, and school is just starting, and the next minute it’s a scramble to buy gifts and bake cookies.…

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Fall Activities for Families in Central PA

Whether you’re looking to enjoy fall with your little ones or entertain your teenagers, there are plenty of budget-friendly activities in Central Pennsylvania that make fall adventures fun for kids of any age.…

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Must-Read Books to Teach Kids about Money

As the school year begins, don't forget to prioritize financial education for your kids. Explore our handpicked book recommendations, read together, and spark insightful money discussions.…

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